Saturday, June 10, 2006

Family History

I've joined in the Counsell/Council DNA project organised by Theresa Council Longley. There are now 7 members of the project group. The projects aim is to tie together connected DNA from any male with the surname Counsell and derivatives.

I had a email from Theresa today enquiring about some information kept at Wells Museum in Somerset. Apparently a John Counsell (1597) married a neice of Sir Francis Drake and there is information in the museum confirming it.

This family history is weird, I have this notion that if you go far enough back we'll all connected somehow. Just think of going back say 6 generations and finding that you have the same Great.G.G.G.G.G.Grand Parents as you wife. As I say Weird.
I've not found this but it is a weird idea.


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