WARNING - Allow enough time to read this OR to get bored by it. Alternatively you can skip to the end for a brief synopsis.
As some of you will have seen on
Wendy's blog we went to Liverpool last weekend to visit my Auntie Phyllis as my Uncle Frank had died some months ago and she has some interesting family history stuff that Frank had been collecting over recent years.
The journey to Liverpool was uneventful so I won't bore you all with it, save to say, the Hilton motorway stop did not live up to it's Hilton name!!
We'd booked into the
Adelphi Hotel as we'd seen the series about it on TV and the web site pics made the interior look prety good.
When you're greeted, as we were, by the doorman saying "Welcome to Fawlty Towers" in a joyful Liverpudlian accent, perhaps you should check out immediately and find alternative accommodation.
Our initial impression of the hotel was pretty good due to the reception area being quite grand with the reception desk to the left and carpeted steps directly in front of you leading up to the Lounge which is furnished with various styles of leather arm chairs and sofas. We arrived at about 11:30am so we tried to check in but were told that earliest check in would be 2:30pm. That was OK as we were all a little tired from the journey and all wanted a drink. David and I went to put the car in the garage while Wendy and Margaret went off to find the bar and order some drinks.
Car parked, luggage stored and drinks now available we settled down for a little relax in the lounge. By the time we'd had our drinks we all decided to have some lunch and so ordered an afternoon tea for four from the menu. This turned out to be much more food than expected, thick filled sandwiches of Ham or Cheese a pot of tea and then a cream cake & a scone and jam with more cream!
Here is the hotel front

I'm not sure why I'm standing like that. I think I've been caught mid pose prep or maybe too much cream cake.
After a little bit of a look around we decided to go off the the Ferry Across The Mersey. Thats the one I got my head stuck in the railing of when I was young.
Here are a few pics of our journey
The Liver Building with the famous Liver Bird on top
I saw a post card for sale just like this shot. That's why it's on an angle

Wendy on the ferry
They're playing that Ferry Cross the Mersey Song too...

They have life belts on the Ferry just in case.

The view from the Ferry

Having been out on Sunday our room had been serviced as you'd expect it to be. However the standard of service really lived down to the quality of the Adelphi. Here is a picture of our freshly serviced bed.

It looks like its been slept in and just the covers pulled up. I think that is what actually happened!
Still it is Sunday and I'm feeling relaxed
------------ Synopsis -----------------
Family history trip to Liverpool
Set off Friday 6:15pm
Travelled to Paul's to drop off Jarvis
Arrived at 8:30pm
Travelled to Margaret and David
Arrived at 10:30pm
Had tea and wend to bed
Left for Liverpool at 7:30am in Davids car
Arrived at Adelphi hotel at 11:30am
Had MASSIVE afternoon tea (unexpectedly large amount of food)
Choice of Hotel restaurants. French Style, Carvery Style.
I wanted the french style food, others wanted to eat in the carvery. We couldn't agree so went out.
Found reasonable place to eat, dinner and drinks for 4 = £85
Arrived for breakfast at 9:15am
Self service buffet breakfast
Scrambled eggs tasted like eggs but I am really not sure what they were
Complained about Eggs to Polish Waiter - He went to kitchen, we didn't see him again!
Made our way to Auntie Phyllis' house
Met Phyllis and Vera (my cousin)
Had cup of tea, spoke about old times
Saw an old photo hanging on the wall of my mum as a child, "me nin" (grandmother) and grandfather and some others. I've been promised a copy...
Went out to lunch and had a good chat about the family as it was in Liverpool. (some skeletons there I can tell you...)
Went to see My Auntie Agies house (not there, even the street is gone)
Got a pic of the old railway sidings I used to watch the steam trains shunt about in
Saw the Church my cousin married in. It's really run down and looks derelict although I am informed it's still in good use.
Went for afternoon tea at the Adelphi as my Auntie Phyllis mentioned she could not afford to go past the front door
Eventually got tea and cream cakes on room service delivered to the lounge. Everyone enjoyed that.
Took Phyllis home, then took Vera home and stayed for a cup of tea. A lot of tea is had in Liverpool! Milk in first though.
More skeletons let out...
Back to the hotel
We'd already eaten too much so decided to slum it in the local McDonalds. Cold chips, cold vegetable crappy roll thing, diet coke. Not enjoyed at all, please don't let me eat there again. EVER!!!
Back to the hotel and off to bed
Seems a shame the weekend has gone so quick
Travel home with a detour across the Peak District
Stopped for a couple of photos but not much good. I'll be editing them for ever...
Traffic jams all the way
Pick up the car and travel to Pauls to get Jarvis
Travel Home
Pheew! What a day, What a weekend....
Labels: Family